When a person is looking for a water damage restoration service they should be prepared to spend a good amount of money. Many people think that this service will end up costing them thousands of dollars. There are some tips and ways to budget for water damage restoration without having to spend a small fortune.
Call the Insurance Company
When a person is facing water damage they should begin with their insurance company. A person can save some money by filing and claim. This claim can be used to help with the cleanup and the expenses of the construction. A person should read through their insurance company and read what their deductible is. All of the insurance documents should be kept in a safe place such as a safe. A person should find a restoration company that has experience working with insurance companies and can assist a person with making the claim. A person can also use the Xactimate software program. This is a popular program used by insurance companies to help determine the cost of the restoration project. A quality insurance company will send out a recovery team to look at the project and determine the cost. This will help a person save when it comes to putting money out of their pocket.
Fire Damage
If a person has a fire in their home and the fire company comes to put it out there is going to be damage from smoke, the fire, and the water. Restoration from fires can cost an average of $8,000. If the home is larger the damage was extensive this price will go up. A person should make sure they have fire insurance before this happens so they do not get stuck with this large bill.
Flood Recovery Restoration
The damage from the flood can be expensive. A person will need to pay to have the water removed. The water can lead to the growth of toxic mold and make the home unsafe. The average cost for water removal is $3,000 and there is still an additional average of $3,000 to repair the damage to the home from the flood. If mold needs to be removed from the home this can lead to an additional expense. A person may need to add flood insurance to their existing insurance company to help protect them from this cost.
Mold Restoration
Mold spores can lead to health issues and some forms of mold are toxic. A person cannot breathe in these spores and stay healthy. Mold likes to grow in places that are moist and dark. It can be hard to find the mold and remove it. Due to the concerns about a person’s health involving mold they need to call a professional company to eradicate the mold. Depending on how bad the infestation is in the home a person may pay as much as $30,000 to remove all of the mold and the spores from their home. Even a small area can be as much as …